Verwirrung um Visa-Liberalisierung

Ws ist hier eigentlich los? Für morgen, 15.12. war der nächste Fortschrittsbericht der EU-Kommission zum Visa-Liberalisierungs-Aktionsplan für Georgien und Ukraine angekündigt. Anonyme Quellen aus EU-Kreisen hatten in den letzten Tagen einen positiven Bericht angekündigt und bereits Juni oder Juli als Termin für die Visafreiheit in den Schengenraum avisiert.
Die georgische Regierung verkündete deshalb heute um 17.59 (Quelle: IPN-Nachrichtenagentur):
Government allocates GEL 220 450 to celebrate successful implementation of the visa liberalization action plan
17:59 14-12-2015

Government allocates GEL 220 450 to celebrate successful implementation of the visa liberalization action plan The government has allocated GEL 220 450 to celebrate successful implementation of the visa liberalization action plan, – says the Prime Minister’s decree posted on the website of the Governmental Administration.

„The Ministry of Finance allocated 220 450 GEL to the Governmental Administration from the reserve fund to finance the celebration of successful implementation of the visa liberalization action plan,“ – says the decree signed by the Prime Minister.

A report on Georgia’s visa liberalization is due to be published tomorrow. The Georgian side is expecting a positive report from the European Commission.

Keine zwei Stunden später meldet diesselbe Agentur:
Tomorrow’s press conference of EU Ambassador to Georgia canceled
19:49 14-12-2015

Tomorrow’s press conference of EU Ambassador to Georgia canceled Tomorrow’s press conference of EU Ambassador to Georgia Janos Herman, which was to discuss the final report on the implementation of visa liberalization action plan by Georgia, has been canceled.

The statement, released by the delegation, does not provide reasons for the postponement of the press conference or any other details.

„We would like to inform media representatives that the press conference of EU Ambassador to Georgia Janos Herman, scheduled for 15 December, which was to discuss the final report on the implementation of visa liberalization action plan by Georgia, has been canceled. We will notify you of the new date of the press conference,“- says the statement.

Besonders interessant der letzte Absatz der Meldung
Reports say the publication of the final report on visa liberalization of Ukraine and Georgia may be delayed for a few days. However, the European Commission did not confirm the report.

Irgendetwas muss passiert sein.
Muss die georgische Regierung ohne den EU-Botschafter feiern?????
KaPost-online wird morgen über alle aktuellen Entwicklungen informieren.

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